Lutasun, as an adjunct treatment of liver diseases
Emma:Acute viral hepatitis A. Clinical symptoms: hypodynamia, appetite loss, distension, hepatalgia; Physical sign: hepatomegaly with tenderness; Chemical test: ALT, AST, TBIL increased significantly; Etiological diagnosis: HAV-RNA existing in serum.
Analysis: Viral hepatitis led to primary liver injury, which cannot be cured just by antiviral therapy.
Treatment: Reduced glutathione was administered in conjunction with routine treatment. After 4 weeks, Emma’s clinical symptoms and physical sign improved remarkably. ALT, AST, TBIL decreased to normal ranges.
Lutasun, as an adjunct treatment of chemotherapy on tumor
Peter: Gastrointestinal carcinoma. After systemic chemotherapy for one week, severe side effects occurred, including abnormal liver function, nausea, vomiting, etc. Chemotherapy was suspended.
Analysis: More often than not, drugs for chemotherapy have severe toxic effects on liver, neuron, etc.. A significant portion of patients undergoing chemotherapy have to discontinue the treatment because they cannot tolerate the side effects.
Treatment: Reduced glutathione was administered after suspension of the chemotherapy. Two weeks later, liver function improved significantly. Peter continued to undergo chemotherapy.